The 10 Hottest Wedding Trends – Most Popular
November 18, 2024
Wedding Destinations. Mexico, Jamaica, and the Bahamas are the most popular.
November 18, 2024It may surprise you to hear, but the post-wedding blues are fairly common. You might think couples would be glad to be finished with the stress of planning their big day and many are, but others find themselves at a bit of a loss after all the frantic decision making, excitement and attention.
If you are the kind of person who gets a bit down after Christmas or a holiday, then it is possible you will suffer from the post-wedding blues too. However, we have 8 tips to help you get over the hump. Here they are!
1. Talk to one another
If you are feeling sad, talk to your new spouse about it. He or she might feel the same way. Be sure to stress that you are not unhappy to be married, but that it is the build-up to the wedding that you’re missing.
2. Create two buffer zones
Waiting a day or two after the wedding before heading off on honeymoon helps you to wind-down after the event. You could spend that time with friends or family reliving the day, which will help you accept that the wedding is over.
You should also have a few days to decompress after your honeymoon. If you head back into work the day after getting back, you may feel deflated and empty. It is hard to go from a once-in-a-lifetime wedding and honeymoon to the daily grind.
3. Make plans
If you have spent months, a year or even longer planning your wedding, you had something huge to look forward to. Ideally you should try and replace this with other plans. On the run up to the wedding keep a list of things you’d like to do once it is over — training for a marathon, volunteering for a charity, reading books, learning a new skill or redecorating the house. If you have a plan for when you return from honeymoon you’ll feel a lot more positive. Try planning activities with your family and friends where the tables are turned and they are the focus instead of you.
4. Make time together as a couple
Try doing new things together as Mr and Mrs. A lot of your time will have been taken up planning the wedding, now it is time to unwind and start enjoying married life. This is what all that time, expense and planning was leading up to — a marriage!
5. Clean, delete, move on
Send the thank-you notes, throw out the wedding magazines and unused invitations and store your wedding dress. Putting everything away can be painful, but it will help you to stop clinging to the past. Anyway, you’ll have wonderful photographs and a video to mark the occasion.
6. Join a group
When you are planning your wedding you and your spouse-to-be are surrounded by people — friends and family, planners, vendors and so forth. It is a little bit like being in a community where everything revolves around you. You might not get to be the star of the show, but being a member of a community helps us feel connected. So join a book club, a running club or a meet-up for special interests.
7. Put your skills to use
Some people really love planning a wedding; others not so much. If you are one of the former and have friends or family members getting married, offer your services. Alternatively, share your wisdom on wedding boards. Someone is sure to value your insights.
8. Find a support network
Trust us, you are not the only newly-wed suffering from post-wedding blues. Talk to married friends or have a look for support groups online. It can really help talking to people who have been through the same thing.