Worldwide Acceptance
We know that you will enjoy this program and also that your priest or deacon will accept the Certificate of Completion. If he has any issues with the program we will chat with him by phone or Zoom to make sure that he is happy for you to do the course. We are always here to help you whenever you need us.
Avalon courses are trusted by Catholic parishes and dioceses around the world. Every year, hundreds of couples complete the course with full approval from their priest. If you or your priest have any questions about the program, please let us know. We regularly speak with priests on couple’s behalf, letting them know how the program works and how they fit into the process.
Ultimately, your priest or deacon makes the decision for which marriage preparation programs are permitted for couples they work with.
Chances are, he is already familiar with this program. If not, here are some details you can share:
- Our Course is based on the teachings of Gaudium et Spes
- Our Values are taken directly from Humane Vitae
- Our Modules cover the very topics suggested by the U.S. Bishops
- Our course conforms to the Vatican’s rules on marriage preparation
- We take our direction from Familiaris Consortio
- We teach you about the Sacrament of Marriage
- We show you the beauty of all Seven Sacraments
- Our course is built on the foundations of John Paul 2’s “Theology of the Body”
- We teach you about Natural Family Planning
- One Archdiocese approved our group course as “Excellent”
- We have put our group course content into Video format
- Our Certificates have been accepted in every country in the world
- Our course was designed by a qualified Theologian and Pastoral Worker
- Since 2007 over 15,000 couples had their certificates accepted worldwide
Our online course was assessed by an Irish Catholic Priest and Theologian and was found to be fully in line with Catholic Church Teaching.
To know more about this process please call us if you have any questions.
Our online course was further assessed by two senior psychotherapists. To read their assessments of the course please click here.