My fiancee Justin and I just completed our Pre Cana course, attached our the results to the final quiz. We found this program to be perfect for us as we are a military couple and could not attend the traditional courses in person. It was nice to be able to do this on our own time when he was home on leave. At first I was not sure how it would go when we had to answer all those questions about each other , but was pleasantly surprised when we got just about all of them right!
Some of the facts in the videos were quite interesting, we found John Gottman practice of predicting divorce to be intensive. Sitting in a fake apartment hooked up to monitors sounds like a lot of work to possibly predict a bad outcome! We will just have to rely on the strong foundation our relationship is built on and our faith.
The third video touched on the idea that we pick a partner who resembles our father / mother. I can see this to be very true in our relationship. We are both very lucky to have our parents still together and have both grown up seeing how a healthy relationship can work. When filling out the surveys about our parents relationships and examples we had more positives then negatives to go off of.
In conclusion we found this program to be very reassuring. I feel we are on the same page about our future,and we can both assess what we bring to the marriage and work off each others strengths, as proved in the stranded on an island exercise.