Linsey & Shawn
November 18, 2024
Body language Reconciliation
November 18, 2024We found this program to be very convenient
My fiancee Eric and I just completed our Pre Cana course. We found this program to be very convenient as we could not attend the traditional courses in person. It was nice to be able to do this on our own time with out missing work or having to leave our daughter for the weekend.
We both had some concerns when we had to answer all those questions about each other, but found that we are quite similar, have the same goals and do know each other well. We have been living together 6 years and been dating for 7 but we still found areas that we can improve to assure that we have a successful marriage.
I found John Gottman interesting but his practice of predicting divorce is pretty intense. I wouldn’t want to sit around a fake apartment hooked up to monitors just to try to possibly predict a bad outcome. We both believe we have build a strong foundation in our relationship based on our faith and communication to make it work.
I found I related to the third video the most, the part that touched on the idea that we pick a partner who resembles our parents, I believe is very true in our relationship. He is very lucky to have his parents still together and I have my mom and step-dad but we both grew up seeing how a healthy relationship can work. We saw that the positives aspects out weighted the negative in the surveys about our parents relationships. I found the part about raising a child en lighting as we are raising a daughter and we learn as we go.
The conflict resolution section is something that we will definitely use. As in any relationship we have our disagreements and the stress of raising our daughter sometimes puts a strain on our relationship. The idea of having a “good” argument and thinking of how we what the argument to end before the actual argument had never crossed my mind.
We both found this program to be very reassuring as it proved that we are a match. We feel we are on the same page about our future, even after 7 years together we still put an effort into making each other happy and work on what we bring to the marriage. I have always felt that we work off each others strengths and help each other with our weakness and this was proved in the stranded on an island exercise.
We greatly appreciate the knowledge we gained and look forward to strengthening our relationship with the bonus material included in the course. We look forward to getting our certificate to move forward on our journey to making our union official legally and spiritually.
Thank you again,
April & Eric