ancing is an essential component at most wedding receptions. We look forward to the couple’s “first dance” and the bride’s special dance with her father. It’s […]
The question of who will get to take home the centerpiece can sometimes be a central discussion at reception dinner tables, particularly if the centerpiece is […]
Wedding Fun – Buffet Table Activities Most wedding receptions include a buffet-style meal where everyone stands in an enormous line waiting while those at the food […]
PreCana – Bridal Shower Games If you’re hosting a bridal shower, there are literally hundreds of games to choose from. Some are silly, some are serious, […]
What is Pre Cana Course in the Catholic Church? Pre-cana is basically a marriage preparation course offered to couples planning for marriage in the catholic church. […]
One place you can save money on your wedding is “wedding photography“. Most people have very powerful cameras right on their phones today. In fact, you […]
Like the celebration of Christmas day, originally Halloween was a pagan festival rather than a Christian holiday. It was only around 10th century that the Roman […]