Kieran & Liz
November 18, 2024
Krista Testimonials
November 18, 2024Even though Sean and I have been living together for the past 6 years and been a couple for past 8 years nearly, we still found the program useful in highlighting certain areas that we can improve within our relationship for our marriage to be successful.
We have been committed to each other for the these last few years and getting married to us means taking our relationship and commitment to the next level. We want to have a stable structure for our family when that time comes.
We learned a lot about equality in the relationship and in terms of how we are going to manage our family situation once we are married and choose to have children together (i.e the workloads and responsibilities with the children as well as managing a household).
The fertility part of your program really highlights how much is involved when actually choosing to have kids and start a family and also how to raise our children in a healthy environment. We discussed how to better improve our communication as a couple, especially after long days at work and also how to try and resolve our arguments (when they do happen) in a nicer manner.
The workbook questions were quite a fun exercise, we found a lot of our answers for each other upon sharing the results were correct. We didn’t really find the finance section relevant to ourselves at this moment as we have never argued or had issues with finances/loans or debt throughout our relationship. We both can’t see this becoming an issue either within our marriage as we do plan and budget already. But we can both see how this section would be relevant to some couples when looking at friends etc.
We’ve agreed to make more time for dates and romantic ventures once the stress of the wedding planning is past. I myself, work shift work in the airport while Sean has a Monday to Friday office job, so allocating time for days off together and dates can be tricky at times.In general we just want to enjoy our marriage for a few years before we plan on bringing any children into the equation. So far we’ve had a healthy relationship for the last 8 years (we’ve had our arguments and stressful situations and also great times), we just plan on continuing this once we are married.
Sean and Jacqui, Co. Louth